Tuesday 18 February 2014

The Impact/effect of War on a society and the individual

                                              "The Wars"


                                                                The Impact/Effect of War   

      Throughout the novel, the act of war is often displayed. As the book progresses, Findley often teaches how War has such a terrible effect/ impact on a society as well as the individual. War affects everyone no matter who you are or where you come from. Findley also expresses multiple times, the reality of War and how inglorious it really is. This message/theme conveyed by Findley is not often clearly seen throughout the book but requires closer analysis and deeper thought behind the lines of the novel. 


The video attached displays the impact as well as effect, war had on thousands of people. No matter who you were, war affected you in various ways. The video shows many towns as well as cities destroyed. In the book often Findley tries to show the reader how war was such a terrible thing that negatively impacts all people. Findley stresses how war is not a glorious act. Based on this video, Findley's point is only strengthened.

She was a city of patience; of proud name,
Dimmed by neglecting Time; of beauty and loss;
Of acquiescence in the creeping moss.
But on a sudden fierce destruction came
Tigerishly pouncing: thunderbolt and flame
Showered on her streets, to shatter them and toss
Her ancient towers to ashes. Riven across,
She rose, dead, into never-dying fame.
White against heavens of storm, a ghost, she is known
To the world's ends. The myriads of the brave
Sleep round her. Desolately glorified,
She, moon-like, draws her own far-moving tide
Of sorrow and memory; toward her, each alone,
Glide the dark dreams that seek an English grave.

This poem was written by a soldier in the time of WWI who witnessed his hometown being literally being burnt to the ground. This poem, shows the effect that war had on not only a society of people but as well as the individual. Just like the soldier in the poem, Robert is also negatively effected by War. 
War can have a physical effect/impact on a person and as well as a mental effect/impact. War can change a person life not only during that time but for the rest of their life. 

By looking at this photo taken in the time of WWI, one can see many people dead  on a mud field (that looks a lot like no mans land). Also one can see many living people looking closely in shock at all the dead people. This photo again displays how war has such a negative impact on people physically and mentally. Just like in the book, Findley often describes war to not be a glorious act of valor. That dying for you're country is not a glorious death and that war is stupid. This photo clearly demonstrates Findley's point consistently throughout the novel.

The last example is a quote listed from the Novel:

"Both of whom claim that Cassles went out-unarmed to-prevent Robert's passing and thats when the private made a grab for Robert's reins, [and] Robert shot him in the face".

This quote is a great example of how war can not only effect/ impact a person but also change them completely. In the beginning of the novel Robert Ross is portrayed to be a man that would never hurt a fly. However by the end of the Novel Robert is seen abandoning war and killing his innocent fellow soldiers to save animals. I believe that Findley is trying to desperately stress how war can change anyone with good intentions just like Robert. That war negatively impacts everything and everyone to be bad things; and that war is just stupid. 

Sunday 9 February 2014

The Four Elements: Earth, Wind, Water, Fire. (2)

                                           "The Wars"


                                                The Four Elements 

All the four elements: Wind water fire and earth are all represented and demonstrated throughout the novel. 

Fire is represented in the novel through blood and death, and the gunfire/ artillery. 

Wind is represented in the novel as the air which is a metaphor of death. A example of this would be when Robert along with his men are attacked by deadly chlorine gas.

 Earth is represented in the novel by mud and trenches that nearly kill Robert by engulfing him into the earth almost making him drown. 

Lastly, Water is represented in the novel by various scenes throughout Roberts journey. One being when Robert is faced with the flooding of his trench and the flood on the battlefields. Also another situation is when he is attending Rowena's funeral. 


This short clip is only a glimpse of what life was like for a soldier during WWI. This clip is a good example of some of the things Robert had to experience during the war. Roberts violent experiences throughout the war are a representation of fire. All the blood death and violence all falls under the idea of fire.



This clip is extremely accurate in understanding how the poisonous gas invented by the Germans had such a horrific affect on other soldiers like Robert. The spread of the gas by air is a representation of one of the four elements known as wind. A big theme in the novel, the wind nearly killed Robert and his soldiers multiple times throughout the novel.

Both these pictures display the terrible conditions on the battlefield throughout WWI. Roberts experiences are very similar if not identical to the soldiers
 on the picture below. When Robert nearly drowned to death as a result of the mud, this represented one of  the four elements (Earth). Also, when the trenches and dugouts collapsed this is a representation of earth as well.


"My perception of Earth always looks different after it rains" 
                                                              -Vladimir Nabokov

This quote is fitting to the element of water because after reading the novel, the reader can notice that every time their is a mention of rain (water), their is a significant point of change and transition in Roberts life.
 For example,After  Robert was in his bath talking to his mom, their was immediate change. In addition, during Rowena's funeral, Findley stresses the fact that the rain was harshly coming down. Again this is another example of a point of transition or change for Robert. 

                                       Not only are the four elements seen multiple times in the novel 
                                                  but are also inscribed on Roberts tombstone 

                                             "EARTH AND AIR AND FIRE AND WATER
                                                               ROBERT   R.  ROSS"
                                                              1896                    1922

The symbolisim of Animals Throughout the Novel

                                           "The Wars"


                                          The Symbolism of Animals 

Throughout the novel "The Wars" by Timothy Findley, animals constantly appear throughout many scenes. The animals, act as a symbol to reflect Roberts personality as well as present the mood and the faults of war.

1:"Heaven goes by favour. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in." 
                                                                                                    -Mark Twain 

2: "You can judge a man's true character by the way he treats his fellow animals." 
                                                                                                   -Paul McCartney

Both quotes listed convey Findley's message throughout the entire book. As the book progresses, the reader learns more and more of Roberts hatred towards war, despite being in the Canadian army. The reader also learns how Robert despises how humans act throughout war.

 As a result of both these factors, Robert shows most, if not all his affection towards all types of animals. Robert feels more comfortable with animals then humans. He feels they don't judge him and they accept him for who he is. Many situations throughout the book, like robert getting raped and also Rowena's strong relationship with animals, make it easy for Robert to have relationships with animals and be pushed away from other humans. 

Michael Jackson: Ben


In this song, Michael Jackson is writing about the strong connection he had with his mouse at a young age. Jackson discusses the ideas in his song about the relationship they had and the harsh realities they had to go through together. Just like in the novel "The Wars", animals are used to comfort Robert and provide him with good and bad signs.

 The animals are their to serve as his friends. Something Robert can relate and have a strong connection with, even in the harshest of times. (War). Also, the animals for Robert can act as a reminder of his late sister Rowena who loved animals. Both Rowena and Robert had a great relationship together through the love and compassion of all animals.

Both these photos were taken in the time of WWI. Both of these photos demonstrate the connection between animal and soldier. The photo on the left shows a soldier sleeping with his dog in the worst of conditions.The photo on the right shows a soldier on guard, wearing a gas mask along with his 2 dogs that are protecting him that are also wearing gas masks, in what looks like terrible conditions. Through these photos the reader can understand why Robert had such a connection and love to animals. Robert loved animals more then humans. He felt that humans were cruel and animals except everyone.  In addition, even though the setting and mood of both these photos look dark and depressing, both soldiers feel comfortable with their animals in their surroundings, just like Robert felt before he died.

I felt that this last photo was important because I strongly believe that this last photo describes the outlook on animals in the eyes of soldiers during WW1. In this photo their are many dead horses along with many dead soldiers on a battlefield in no mans land. In the novel, Findley often stresses through animals how war is stupid and inglorious. 

This photo demonstrates Findley's point. In the novel, animals were very mistreated which resulted in Robert taking action at the end of the book to save hundreds of horses. In doing this, Robert killed his own soldiers due to the fact that he hated the how human race behaved.